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Amy at her desk
Have a more peaceful new year
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Happy New Year to YOU!

I am so grateful to have you here, along for the journey!

Most of you have heard the phrase “New Year, New Me” and I would hazard a guess that most of you have attached meaning to that, whether consciously or not. 

When you think of a ‘New Year, New Me’ do you think of all of the things you need to do to ...

Do soulmates exist?
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You come home from a first date and you excitedly exclaim to your friend “I just met my soulmate!” You felt an instant connection with the person and you are floating on cloud nine. Did you just meet your soulmate or not?

Let’s take a deeper look into the definition and concept of soulmates to help answer this question.

By ...

The Devil Tarot Card
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The Devil card is the 15th major arcana card in most traditional tarot decks. The first 21 of the 78 tarot cards are called major arcana cards and represent the Fool’s journey in other words us on our life journey!

The Devil card, like the Death card, is one of the most misunderstood cards in tarot. I believe this is because many of us have ...

Do Psychic mediums read your mind?
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One of the most common things I hear is can you read people's minds? Can you tap into that? Is mind reading a thing? Are you always connected? Do you know what I'm thinking?

No I can’t, nor do I want to. No, Thank You.

I don't think that's really the proper way to utilize this kind of sensitivity, I would question anybody if they ...